The Human Development Index (HDI) of Southeast Sulawesi Province in 2020 has reached 71.45 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bombana Regency

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The Human Development Index (HDI) of Southeast Sulawesi Province in 2020 has reached 71.45

Release Date : January 4, 2021
File Size : 1.57 MB


  • Human development in Southeast Sulawesi Province continues to progress, which is indicated by the continuous increase in the Human Development Index (HDI) of Southeast Sulawesi. in 2020, the HDI for Southeast Sulawesi has reached 71.45. This figure increased by 0.25 points compared to the HDI of Southeast Sulawesi in 2019 which amounted to 71.20.
  • Since 2018, the status of human development in Southeast Sulawesi has reached a "high" level. Southeast Sulawesi's HDI in 2020 grew by 0.35 percent compared to 2019.
  • During the period 2019 to 2020, the components forming the HDI also experienced an increase. In 2020, newborns have the chance to live up to 71.22 years, an increase of 0.25 years compared to the previous year. Children aged 7 years have the opportunity to attend school for 13.65 years, an increase of 0.1 years compared to 2019. Meanwhile, the population aged 25 years and over has on average studied education for 9.04 years, an increase of 0 , 13 years compared to the previous year. In 2020, per capita expenditure (constant 2012 prices) of the public is IDR 9,331 million, a decrease of IDR 105 thousand compared to the previous year.
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