Southeast Sulawesi NTP in January 2020 was 96.64 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bombana Regency

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Southeast Sulawesi NTP in January 2020 was 96.64

Release Date : February 3, 2020
File Size : 0.84 MB


  • Southeast Sulawesi NTP in January 2020 was recorded 96.64 or an increase of 0.65 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded at 96.02. The NTP of each sub-sector is listed as follows: Food Crop Subsector (NTPP) 97.59; Horticulture Subsector (NTPH) 103.45; People's Plantation Plant Subsector (NTPR) 93.41; Livestock Subsector (NTPT) 102.07 and Fisheries Subsector (NTNP) 97.99. While the National NTP Index was 104.16, up 0.78 percent from 103.36 previously.
  • In January 2020, 24 provinces experienced an increase in FTT, while 10 other provinces experienced a decline in FTT. The highest increase was recorded in Riau Province, which was 5.59 percent, while the largest decrease was recorded in Aceh Province by 0.97 percent.
  •     In January 2020 Southeast Sulawesi experienced rural inflation of 0.00 percent. This occurred because of an increase in the price index in nine sub-groups, namely the clothing and footwear sub-group by 0.21 percent; the household equipment, equipment and routine maintenance sub-group 0.38 percent; the health sub-group 0.52 percent; transportation subgroup 0.28 percent; the information, communication and financial services sub-group by 0.06 percent; recreation, sports and culture 0.70 percent; education subgroup by 0.00 percent; provision of food and beverages / restaurants 0.14 percent; and the personal care and other services sub-group by 0.41 percent.
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