Poor people in Southeast Sulawesi in September 2016 was 327.29 thousand (12.77%) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bombana Regency

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Poor people in Southeast Sulawesi in September 2016 was 327.29 thousand (12.77%)

Release Date : January 3, 2017
File Size : 0.3 MB


Number of poor (people living below poverty line) in Southeast Sulawesi in September 2016 was 327.29 thousand people (12.77 percent). Compared with the poor in March 2016 amounted to 326.87 thousand people (12.88 percent), meaning the number of poor rose 0.42 thousand people.
During the period from March to September 2016 poor people in rural areas decreased 1.75 thousand people, while in urban areas increased by 2.17 thousand people.
The percentage of poor urban areas increased slightly, whereas a slight decline in rural areas. In September 2016, the percentage of poor in urban areas 6.87 percent, up 0.13 points against March 2016 (6.74 percent). Whereas in rural areas the percentage of poor September 2016 amounted to 15.31 percent decreased by 0.18 points against March 2015 (15.49 percent). So in Southeast Sulawesi during the period from March to September, 2016 the percentage of poor people decreased by 0.11 percent.
During March-September 2016 poverty line rose by 1.76 percent, from Rp. 277 288, - per capita per month in March 2016 became Rp.282.161, - per capita per month in September 2016.
In the period from March to September 2016 Poverty Depth Index (P1) and Poverty Severity Index (P2) showed a tendency to decrease. This indicates that the average expenditure of the poor tend to be closer to the poverty line and inequality expenditure of the poor are also getting smaller / meeting.
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