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Training of Enumerator of 2018 Intercensal Agricultural Survey, Improve Quality of Agricultural Data
April 5, 2018 | BPS Activities
The Intercensal Agricutural Survey (SUTAS) is conducted to meet the needs of the most accurate and up-to-date agricultural sector data. Given the progress and development of agricultural technology is so rapid today.
As one of the efforts to guarantee the quality of agricultural data, Statistics Indonesia conducts training of enumerators of SUTAS 2018 for all districts throughout Indonesia. All enumerators consisting of employees and partners of Statistics of Bombana Regency attended training on 2-5 April 2018 at Grand Kubra Hotel, Kendari.
The result of SUTAS 2018 is useful to obtain the phenomenon of agricultural business changes in 2013 and 2018, projection of livestock population, and other agricultural survey planning prior to the implementation of Agricultural Census 2023 (ST 2023).
Let's Succeed SUTAS 2018 for Better Agricultural Data.