Struggle to Collect National Sosio-Economic Survey Data in March 2018 for a Prosperous Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bombana Regency

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Struggle to Collect National Sosio-Economic Survey Data in March 2018 for a Prosperous Indonesia

Struggle to Collect National Sosio-Economic Survey Data in March 2018 for a Prosperous Indonesia

March 1, 2018 | BPS Activities

National Sosio-Economic Survey (Susenas) - The main survey builds the indicators of people's welfare ranging from Education Indicators, Health, consumption patterns, housing facilities (access to clean water, toilet facilities), etc.

Establish the main indicator that this government will become the reference of development through time that is not short, let alone the smooth road that is in the shadow. Not infrequently the data pajuang challenging the hot sun, fighting with heavy rain to muddy, for the sake of data for the Nation.

Figure 1: Through the board ledge to the respondent's house SUSENAS March 2018. On a remote island where there is only one residential village residents-Floating-Village. With him data fighters increasingly attached to the reality that is in remote areas of the country. Isolated, isolated, but the most beautiful because of the clear sea to be able to wander the various species under it. The beautiful scenery around is effective for a little unwind after an interview that takes no less than 120 minutes for every 1 household.

Figure 2: Dare to dirty it is Good, because with it we also get the data of the nation's builders. Playing with rain is not a strange thing, especially if you're stuck with muddy streets like this. The more delay the trip, get ready to sink deeper into the mud that exists. Because the respondent's house is not only in the streets of the city, but also in remote villages.

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